All content © Robert Williamson

All content © Robert Williamson

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I am inviting a few fly fishers to participate in an unique hoppertunity. Here's how it will work:

I have the 18th or 19th of September to spend fly fishing. I think it would be fun to get 6 or 8 people together in the Logan area and divide up into sets of two (twosomes). We will assign each twosome a specific section of river and they will fish a Twisted Hopper pattern exclusively ( provided by yours truly). The twosomes will have a notebook, a pencil or pen, and a way to quickly measure the fish. Catches will be documented (numbers, types of fish, and sizes), and then after a certain time period we meet at a designated place to compare notes and stories. A nice stream side dinner would be nice to top the outing off. We could assign people to bring items. Kick this around and post a comment on this site if you want to participate or have any other ideas that would make this fun. If one of those days do not work, throw some others out and we can narrow it down. Thank you great fly fishers of wisdom and trout.


kolobflyfishing said...

i could possibly be down for that, i'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

Count me in! I could make it after 2:30 the 18th and all day the 19th. I'd love to bring something to eat--we could fry up all the browns we catch ;-)

-scott c

Anonymous said...

PS, I've pointed to this post from my sight on the left side under "News and Info."

jabberwock said...

I would like to play but will most likely be down in SLC..... not fishing ;( I'll fish a little local creek and toss 02 stones in sometime in the week before the 18th in honor of the event.

Doug Cook said...

Hi Robert, Next Friday my friend and I leave Canada on an 8 state, 4,500 mile, 7 species native trout adventure which will put us in Utah on the 19th. Scott (Cutthroat Stalker) mentioned your gathering to me and I was hoping you still had room for a couple of foreigners. If so email me the details of when and where. We will probably come in the day before and camp in the area.


Doug Cook said...

Robert I forgot to leave my email address. dcook35 at